This game has potential, but there are a few deficiencies that contribute to the feeling that somethings lacking.
- I could not connect to "High Scores" as well as "Achievements" (not sure what "achievements" its referring to...mine? other players?
- a player has no way of knowing what contributes to the game lasting longer, as there are times when Ive been playing, appearing to be doing well, and it will suddenly stop. Is there a time limit? Does the game end after a certain amount of letters are released from the bottom? I realize that a few clues are given ie: "Alliteration," "Rhyme," something about a level becoming unlocked (but what does that mean?).
- how does scoring points work?
-As I mentioned, it does have very good potential
Thank you
Gr8fuldude about WordSurge, v1.5.2